1. Candidates file an application online.
2. City staff reviews the application for minimum qualifications.
3. City staff administers a written examination (waived for applicants with a AA/AS (or higher) degree or a POST Pellet-B T-Score of 42 or higher).
4. Police Department staff administers a physical abilities test, consisting of the following components:
99-yard obstacle course,
165-pound body drag,
6-foot chain-link fence climb,
6-foot solid-wall climb, and
500-yard run.
Police Department Testing

5. Police Department staff will screen the candidate's Personal History Statement and Pre-Background Interview Questionnaire for any disqualifying background issues.
6. The first interview will be conducted by a panel of Police Department representatives.
7. A polygraph exam will be administered.
8. A thorough background investigation will be conducted.
9. The Chief of Police will review the background investigation file and interview the candidate.
10. Medical and psychological exams will be conducted.
11. If the candidate's background is satisfactory and the candidate passes all steps of the hiring process, the candidate may be hired.
How do i prepare for the
Physical abilities test?
99 -Yard Obstacle Course
165-Pound Body Drag
6-Foot Chain-Link Fence Climb
6-Foot Solid-Wall Climb
500 Yard Run
Frequently asked questions
Q: How old do I have to be to apply?
A: 20 ½ years of age to apply, there is no other age limit.
Q: Can I still apply with a DUI conviction?
A: 1 DUI conviction within 3 years of your application, 2 or more DUI convictions, or 1 DUI conviction as an officer would be a disqualifier.
Q: Will poor credit, bankruptcy, or bills in collections be a disqualifier during the hiring process?
A: Not necessarily, each application will be reviewed and considered on a case-by-case basis.
Q: What are the education requirements?
A: A H.S. Diploma or GED equivalent or greater is required.
Q: What is the policy on tattoos?
A: Employees may have visible tattoos on their arms and legs, but must receive approval prior to displaying in uniform.
Q: If hired where would I attend the academy?
A: The San Bernardino Police Department sends our candidates to the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department Academy. This is not a live onsite academy.
Q: If I am disqualified at any point during the hiring process can I reapply?
A: Yes, you may reapply every 30 days.
Q: If I am an out-of-state applicant can I consolidate any part(s) of the hiring process?
A: A limited amount of consolidation could occur during the hiring process.
Q: Will moving violation convictions (traffic tickets) disqualify me from the hiring process?
A: 3 or more moving violations within the past 3 years would be a disqualifier.
Q: If I obtained a Basic Academy POST Certificate will I have to attend/ complete a new Basic POST Academy?
A: No, your certificate of completion is valid for 3 years.
Q: Can I do a ride-along during the hiring process?
A: If you reach the background process a ride-along will be scheduled for you by your background investigator.
Q: What position do I apply for?
A: If you have not successfully completed a Basic POST Academy you would apply for the LET (Law Enforcement Trainee) position.
Q: Do I need to be a U.S. Citizen to apply?
A: You would need to be a citizen of the United States or a permanent resident alien who is eligible for and has applied for citizenship.